
Showing posts from April, 2020

Virtualization and Containerization by Naval , Yuvraj and Saksham

In the present era of developing technology, we witness the world of hosting, and no w  the time came to familiarize the terms of and meaning of system and technology we are using, mainly   virtualization and containerization  are basically used by hosting industry, but there is yet confusion about it. NOW, this discussion arises that which technology is better (as both technologies in their own) but let's see it, basically, it has been seen that the use of technology depends upon our work We are doing or basically our needs. Virtualization- [1] So, virtualization is the emulation of system /server into many virtual machines without the use of hardware as hardware is virtualized or in a more simpler way, it is the existence of multiple smaller vi r tual servers  (computers)  within a larger server physical environment. The virtualiz a tion software which runs on any system (parent) provides (allocates) res...